Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monroe the Matador + LV Halloween

It's been a while since I've posted. Even though Halloween is three weeks past, I needed to archive our adventures. This year Monroe was a Matador. He was the cutest matador possible, all he was missing was his mustache (I stopped trying after three disasters with liquid eyeliner). Some confused him with Michael Jackson, but for the most part his red cape under his arm let people know that he meant business as a matador. We spent Halloween in Las Vegas with our families. Here are some pictures of what went on:

Going from the top left to right, row by row, here's what we did. 1-Family Halloween Photo, 2-Monroe with his cousins (Rylee, Monroe & Ellie), 3-Andre Agassi, Monroe & Kirk dressed as Andre Agassi (yes, the black Mr. T is really Andre Agassi!), 4- Dirty Old Man as Cupid on Fremont Street, 5- Superman on Stilts (most amazing constume), 6- Fremont Experience with Family/Friends

It was so much fun! I had forgotten why Halloween was so much fun in Las Vegas, and now I remember. I think it has to be the best place to spend Halloween, if you haven't been, schedule it sometime.



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